However electric vehicles are a little more expensive than fossil fuel/hybrid vehicles as they have expensive batteries. It takes time to charge the vehicle. If the car owners have level 2 charger, it will take 8 hours to charge (according to JD Power) and the majority of electric vehicles bring level 1 charger cables and it can be attached with any 120 volts charging station but it takes more than 30 hours roughly which is an unhappy practice.
This time, it is a big challenge for the manufacturing companies to produce and fix quality batteries along with more flexibility and less charging times. In the near future as the competition rises there should be a drastic change in it.
Nissan, Mini Cooper, Chevrolet, Hyundai, and Volkswagen are competing at lower prices these days.
Amongst top numbers of EVs promoters Mr. Musk focuses on fleet management.
It means that influencers and decision makers are aiming to let the world run with the Electric fleet pattern. According to experts it will take half of the decade to let the price drop while a few more decades will be taken to see all EVs around.
Are EVs convenient and profitable ?
Probably the answer is yes because it helps to incline the local economy by saving on importing, processing, and local transportation costs of fuel. Such disposable income helps to create many jobs for the state. On the other hand, people who will choose this (EVs) lifestyle will be more profitable than those who will adopt it. As much as the adopters shall increase the pioneers will enjoy reward. It is understood that by today or tomorrow we all have to change our transport structure towards electricity because the world can’t afford more environmental damage through air pollution.
Why electric vehicles are best for us ?
There is less maintenance in electric vehicles which is a headache for vehicle owners. EVs don’t need filter and oil change, mufflers replacement etc. while other traditional vehicles do. Electric vehicles can be charged at home, and they save a task of refilling tanks like traditional vehicles. In some countries governments are reducing taxations and giving incentives on buying EVs. Electric Vehicles convert 59 to 62 percent energy to power the vehicle while traditional vehicles give 17 to 21 percent.